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DUCKS IN A ROW offers a fresh take on health care transformation – a shift from the corporate model back to the foundation of caring for each other as human beings.
Based on Sue Robins’ work in patient engagement, this book shares wisdom and practical advice for those who rail against the status quo and yearn for authentic change.

"Ducks in a Row is a love letter to a healthcare rehumanized and the plan to get all of us there... a hopeful testimony of stubborn faith in people's capacity to care."
Dr Victor Montori, MD, Mayo Clinic and Author of Why We Revolt

Sue is a dynamic podcast guest and is also available for workshops, speaking engagments, media interviews or as a guest blogger.
Contact us for details:
The Ducks in a Row press kit can be downloaded here.
Follow Sue on Twitter and Instagram for the latest updates, and be sure to join her email list too.
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