Sue's unique talks are inspirational and authentic, and carefully crafted to rekindle passion in health care.
Sue's speaking topics include the patient and family perspective, storytelling, health care advocacy, meaningful patient and family engagement, disclosing diagnosis and the value of peer support.
Tailored for Any Audience
Sue has spoken at international, national and local conferences – from Melbourne to Dublin to closer to home in Vancouver. All talks and workshops are tailored to the audience. Sue also enjoys being interviewed on podcasts.
'From the heart, generous and honest.
One of the best talks I’ve heard. Reminded me of why I went into medicine and all that I can do better.'
- Physician Attendee
Atlantic Quality and Patient Safety Learning Exchange Plenary Workshop Speaker, Moncton New Brunswick.
Victoria Primary Care Network, Patient Engagement Workshop, Part II
Dragon Claw Patient + Carer Charity, Storytelling Talk
Victoria Primary Care Network, Patient Engagement Workshop, Part I
Limestone Coast Local Health Network, South Australia: Appreciating Health Professionals Talk, All the Warm Blankets Talk, Reimagining Health Care Panel, Consumer Engagement Workshop
Alberta College of Pharmacy, Plenary Speaker, Council and Leadership Group
TED-style Talk speaker, Canadian Medical Association, Patient Voices Group
AI Plenary Panel e-Health Conference Vancouver.
CIHI Learning Session, Patient Engagement for the Win, co-presented with Amie Archibald-Varley.
Parent Panel, Transition Pop-Up Event, Children's Healthcare Canada.
Our Shared Humanity plenary talk for Oak Valley Health Retreat.
Gathering of Kindness Words Matter Panel Speaker.
Kids Brain Health Conference Plenary Speaker.
Panel Participant, Patient Safety Movement for World Patient Safety Day.
Patient Experience in Radiology, Radiopaedia speaker.
Conversation for Kindness speaker, Whose Story is It Anyhow?
5P Health Care Solutions, Mapping the Patient Journey
A Family Perspective on Disability, co-presented with Aaron Waddingham, College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario Governance Committee
Ducks in a Row Book Club Discussions
Unum Co
Canadian Medical Association
National Health Engagement Network - sponsored by Healthcare Excellence Canada
Patient Advisors Network
Women's Health Group, Winnipeg
Central Health Authority, Newfoundland
Talks and Workshops
C4 Workshop and Panel, Everybody Has a Story
Opening Talk for BC Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society AGM.
Gathering of Kindness Canada, Video Host and Panel Moderator
Health E-Matters Conference, Bird by Bird: Writing and Publishing a Book
Action in Child Health Research Symposium, Plenary Speaker, Patient Engagement for the Win!
Give A Duck E-vent - Ducks in a Row Book Launch, sponsored by Bird Comm
Talks about storytelling with the Canadian Medical Association Patients Voice Group.
Holland Bloorview Humanistic Health Care Talk.
Horizon Health Network, New Brunswick. Two storytelling workshops.
Patient Engagement for the Win! A motivational talk to open University Health Network's Strategy Day for patient engagement in research.
The Power of Stories, Niagara Children's Centre Family Conference
​The Power of Stories, New South Wales, Patient Experience Week
Canadian Association of Medical Radiation Technologists, co-presenting on Everybody Has a Story with Amanda Bolderston, Vancouver
Harnessing Our Collective Will To Rebuild Health Care. Canadian Medical Association Summit. Patient speaker on the opening panel.
Waiting Room Revolution Podcast - About reimagining health care.
McMaster University Caregiving Essentials Webinar with Donna Thomson. Health Care Shouldn't Make You Cry.
Video for Radiography Students, The Power of Listening to Stories, Nelson Mandela University, South Africa
​The Power of Stories, Solutions for Kids in Pain Knowledge Brokers
Family Support Network (family group) Toronto. The Power of Storytelling.
Bump in the Road Podcast, an interview with Pat Wetzel.
Canadian Society of Physician Leaders Podcast, a conversation with Dr. Johny Van Aerde,
My Complex Parenting Podcast, Telling Your Story Is Badass.
Sickboy Podcast, Ducks in a Row: Health Care Reimagined.
2021 and earlier
Gathering of Kindness International Grand Round Panel
International Forum on Quality and Safety in Health Care, Australasia, Huddle presentation on Kindness
Exploring Health Inequities + System Gaps Exposed During COVID - Panel Discussion with
Canadian Association for Health Services + Policy Research
The Power of Storytelling Azrieli Caregivers Advisory Committee
Sickboy Podcast, True Meaning of Health Care
Children's Healthcare Canada Webinar, The Power of Storytelling
Gathering of Kindness Video - a reading of All the Warm Blankets Chapter
White Coat, Black Art interview Patient Engagement and COVID
CFAX Talk Radio, Victoria – talking about my son’s exclusion in education
Healthcare Canada on Clubhouse – Sharing patient narratives with Sick Boys
University of Minnesota, Advanced Practice Nursing Class, The Reluctant Advocate, February
​Gritty Nurse Podcast – The Most Important Voice in Healthcare: Learning what patient experience really means
Healthcare Excellence Canada four internal staff workshops – Honouring Patient Storytellers,
Children’s Healthcare Canada Everybody Grows Up co-presented with my son Aaron Waddingham
Whose Story Are We Missing? Podcast with Amy Ma. Journal of Medical Imaging and Radiation Sciences
Stand By Me. An Author to Author Conversation with Karen Klak. Gathering of Kindness.
A Candid Conversation About Down Syndrome. Conversation with Dr. Kathryn Garforth on Facebook Live.
N of 2: Transforming Health Systems Through Individual Action. Plenary Talk + Panel Participant on live Town Hall. Alberta SPORU Virtual Institute
The Art of Storytelling Presentation. Faculty of Nursing, University of Alberta, Pediatric Parents’ Advisory Group.
Bird’s Eye View Video Talk. Society of Radiographers, UK
'Sue’s presentation was excellent. Very inspiring, motivating, and
compelling. She has a true understanding of patient centered care.
Her presentation has motivated me to do better.
Thank you!'
Storytelling with Impact Workshop, co-facilitated with Jami Brown. Quality Forum, BC Patient Safety and Quality Council.
Toronto Speaking Tour, February 2020​
Conversation about Kindness, Sunnybrook Health Science Centre
Conversation about Kindness, Holland Bloorview Kids Rehab
Patient Speaker, CANet Public Forum
Storytelling with Impact Workshop for families – Holland Bloorview Kids Rehab
Conversation about Kindness, CAMH staff
Evolving Stories – talk and facilitated panel, CAMH families
Grand Rounds, Mount Sinai Hospital
Patient Remarks, BCHIMPS Annual Fall Symposium Vancouver.
Bird’s Eve View Book Launch, Australia. Various events at KPMG Melbourne, Central Gippsland Health, Launceston General Hospital, Tasmania and Royal Melbourne Hospital. Gathering of Kindness.
Patient Centred Care and Chiropractic Workshop – talk, interactive workshop, moderated patient panel. Alberta College and Association of Chiropractors AGM. Red Deer Alberta,
Media Coaching One-on-One – a talk and facilitated conversation about assessing opportunities to share stories with the families involved in the Rare Disease Foundation’s Parent 2 Parent Support Group.
'I think this was a good reminder as to why I (and my colleagues) went into pharmacy to begin with – to advocate for our patients…'
The Wonder – opening speaker for Edmonton Down Syndrome Society‘s The Wonder Years, a workshop for new families who have babies with Down syndrome.
Leaning Out – the work-life balance and how I’m faking it all the time
Rare Disease Foundation Parent to Parent Support Group.
The Great Translators, Canadian Society of Hospital Pharmacists, BC Branch AGM
Sharing the patient + family perspective, St. Paul’s Hospital Pharmacy Group​
What Inclusion Means to Me, Burnaby North High School Professional Development Day
​Sunny Hill Health Centre for Children & BC Children’s Hospital
Various speaking engagements including talks to medical students, pediatric residents and Child Health BC.
​The Transition Journey, CHILD BRIGHT Coach Model Workshop
'Very inspirational story. I enjoyed hearing about
the patient/patient’s family perspective towards health care.'
The Art of Storytelling, Canadian Family Advisory Network Best Practice Group
National Teleconference presentation.
Patient/Family Stories, How Incorporating Patient/Family Stories into Clinical Practice Can Improve Interprofessional Collaborative Practice (co-presenter)
British Columbia Association of Speech Language Pathologists and Audiologists Annual Conference​
The Great Translators, Pharmacy Technician Society of BC
Various speaking engagements for staff at Sunny Hill Health Centre for Children & BC Children’s Hospital,
Where’s the Patient’s Voice in Health Professional Education? University of British Columbia.
'I feel like our class has walked away better doctors.'
The Great Translators, Coordinators Bi-Annual Team Meeting,
Lower Mainland Pharmacy Services
​Canadian Family Advisory Network Workshop, Thoughts on Councils & The Value of Peer Support/Friendships. Quebec City.
The Art of Telling Your Stories, Rare Disease Foundation
​The Power of Sharing Stories, Collaboration Across Borders, Roanoke, VA, USA.
Canadian Association of Rehabilitation Nurses Association, Plenary Closing Speaker.
​Emergency Department Symposium, Covenant Health.
'Sue was a great speaker. I appreciate the research that she did
on the topic and the personal touch that she brought.
She made me tear up several times...'
Pharmacists’ Association of Saskatchewan Conference, Plenary Speaker​
The Patient Care Experience (co-presenter), Canadian Society of Hospital Pharmacists
​What Inclusion Means to Me (co-presenter). Adapted Physical Education Class, University of Alberta
Canadian Society of Hospital Pharmacists, The Great Translators (co-presenter).​
Engagement Scholarship Consortium, Better Together: Patient, Practitioner, and Regulatory Voices Transforming Interprofessional Education (panel)
​University of Alberta, Health Science Council, Patient Mentor, Interprofessional Practice Launch.
Western Emergency Department Operations Conference, We are watching you!
​Continuing Competency Event College of Registered Dental Hygienists of Alberta
Two hour Art of Communications Workshop​
Faculty of Physical Education and Recreation, Inclusion in Real Life, Adaptive Phys Ed Students​
Faculty of Pharmacy, The Great Translators (student co-presentation)​
Esther Starkman School, What inclusion means to us.
​University of Alberta, Health Science Council, Interprofessional Practice workshop facilitator​
Canadian Patient Safety Institute, Virtual Forum.
Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre – Neonatal Follow-Up Group -Sharing the News: Disclosing Diagnosis.
Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre – Champion Group – The Art of Storytelling.
SickKids Hospital NICU Group – Nurturing Partnerships with Families
Canadian Family Advisory Network Workshop, Storytelling Panelist
Alberta Pharmacists’ Association Provincial Conference, Keynote Presentation
23rd Annual Alberta Pharmacy Technician Conference, Keynote Presentation
Interprofessional Education Event, The Warm Blanket, Health Sciences Council, University of Alberta, various dates, Family Speaker
6th International Conference Neonatal and Childhood Pulmonary Vascular Disease, Family Speaker
Every Nurse Symposium, Closing Motivational Speaker, MacEwan University,
International Conference of the Institute of Patient and Family Centered Care, Washington DC, Building Buy-In for Peer Support Programs
Tri-Professional Conference, Improving Quality: How to best enable patient centred care and improved access – presentation and panel
College of Licensed Practical Nurses of Alberta, The Art of Storytelling.
Gateway Association for Community Living, The Art of Storytelling.
Sickkids Hospital, Toronto, three different sessions –Embedding Peer Support, Engaging Family Advisors, Sharing the News: Disclosing Diagnosis.
London Health Sciences Centre Children’s Hospital, Meaningful Engagement or Tokenism?
Consumers Reforming Health conference, Melbourne, Australia – Family Engagement in the Pediatric Health System – Meaningful or Tokenism?
World Down Syndrome Congress, Dublin Ireland - The Value of Peer Support Programs
Canadian Association of Pediatric Health Centres National Conference, Family and Health Provider Collaboration at the Stollery Children’s Hospital
College of Licensed Practical Nurses of Alberta Provincial Conference, Disclosing diagnosis and beyond
Child Network for Child and Youth Rehabilitation Annual Meeting, Life with a child with a disability
Canadian Family Advisory Network Annual Workshop, Sharing Family StoriesWorkshops – Chair
'I have not heard a better keynote speaker since.'
Stollery Family Centred Care Strategy Day, Setting the Stage for Strategy
Pediatric Grand Rounds, Stollery Children’s Hospital, Partnering with your Pediatrician
Perinatal Rounds, Stollery Children’s Hospital, Sharing the news – disclosing prenatal diagnosis
Genetic Counsellors’ Journal Club, Alberta Health ServicesParent Perspective on ‘Non-invasive’ prenatal testing for Down syndrome
Pediatric Residents, Stollery Children’s Hospital, Sharing the News – disclosing diagnosis
Peer Support Working Group Workshop, Stollery Children’s Hospital, Value of Peer Support
Medical Genetics Clinic, Stollery Children’s Hospital, Value of Peer Support