Name the Course Content eBook!
Sue's Course Content pages are being redrafted, expanded and packaged into an eBook for health educators and students. The new eBook will be easy to read on iPhone and Android devices and make it easier for learners to engage with the materials.
But what should this new eBook be called? That's where you come in! Let us know what you think and if your entry is selected, we'll mail you a signed copy of Bird's Eye View and a sticker pack!
Contest Rules:
Sue's family or associates of Bird Communications and their families can't enter.
If the same idea is suggested by more than one person (up to 5) we'll give each the prize! If 6 or more suggest the idea, then we'll draw 5 prizes from the entries received.
You can enter up to 3 ideas. If you enter more than 3, we'll ignore the additional entries.
We won't store your email after the contest ends. If you'd like to be added to our general email list please click here.
No compensation beyond the prizes indicated here will be provided to the winning or any entry.